Is Your Comfort Zone Really Your Zone of Discomfort?
Have you ever been stuck trying to get yourself out of a giant bean bag? You find yourself flailing, each attempt to rise thwarted by the disappearing support beneath you. Exhausted, you roll over like a beetle on its back, surrendering to the situation. The irony is palpable: something so soft and comfortable can also render you completely stuck.
Now, ask yourself this: Is your comfort zone really your zone of discomfort?
The Paradox of the Comfort Zone
What if everything you truly want—greater love, deeper relationships, increased profit, a fitter and healthier body, more fulfilment, and your wildest dreams—lives just beyond this deceptive “comfort”? This zone we’ve come to settle into may, in fact, be the very thing preventing us from accessing our potential.
The comfort zone, by definition, is a psychological state where you feel safe and in control. But ask yourself, is it truly comfortable to remain stagnant, merely existing within the known? There’s a discomfort that creeps in, subtly at first—a feeling of unfulfilled potential, of dreams deferred. It’s the tension between the life you’re living and the one you know you’re capable of creating.
The Executive and His “Safety Net”
Steve, a successful executive, found himself in what seemed like an enviable position. His career was secure, and his family life was stable, but something was missing. He felt an itch he couldn’t quite scratch—a desire for a deeper connection with his wife, more purpose in his work, and even a longing to feel more alive physically.
Despite the external comfort of his life, internally, he felt trapped, much like our metaphorical beetle on its back. The problem? His “comfort” had become a cage. When we peeled back the layers, we realised he was living in a zone of discomfort disguised as comfort.
Every area of growth—his relationship, his health, his leadership potential—required him to step outside this deceptive safety net.
His story is not unique. Many leaders face this dilemma daily, where the safety of their current state conflicts with their internal hunger for more.
Discomfort: The Catalyst for Change
Consider the words of philosopher Søren Kierkegaard: “Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” This anxiety, the discomfort you feel when considering change, often signals that you are on the verge of growth. But what do we do when faced with this discomfort? More often than not, we retreat into what’s known, back into the illusion of comfort.
However, those who dare to stay with this discomfort and explore what lies beyond often discover new realms of possibility. It’s in this expanded zone that true transformation takes place.
Take, for example, the “trilemma”—a concept where you are faced not with two choices but three or more. The third option, often hidden from view, only becomes clear when we dare to step outside our usual patterns of thinking. This third way is often where the magic happens—where we find solutions that redefine success in our careers, families, and personal fulfilment.
Actionable Insights: Pushing Through the Discomfort
- Identify Your Real Zone of Discomfort
Take a moment to reflect on the areas of your life that feel safe but unfulfilling. Where are you experiencing subtle discomfort disguised as contentment? Is it in your relationships? Your career? Your health? - Commit to One Small Action
Choose one area where you will intentionally step out of your comfort zone. Perhaps it’s having a difficult conversation with your partner, starting a new fitness routine, or daring to take a business risk you’ve been avoiding. Start small—each step creates momentum. - Stay with the Discomfort
When discomfort arises, sit with it. Acknowledge the feeling and resist the temptation to retreat. Remember, discomfort is often the precursor to breakthrough. Ask yourself: What could this be pointing me toward?
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg.
Embracing the Adventure
You see, much like getting stuck in that oversized bean bag, our comfort zones can trap us in ways we don’t immediately recognise. The soft cushion of predictability can keep us from stretching, growing, and living into our fullest potential.
So, the next time you find yourself longing for more in any area of your life, ask yourself: Is my comfort zone actually where my greatest discomfort lies? And what could be waiting for me just beyond it?
In the end, Renaissance Men are those who see their comfort zones not as a place to reside but as a starting point for bold exploration.
Here’s to pushing through, embracing the discomfort, and discovering the world of possibility that awaits.
Takeaway for the Week:
Identify where you’re too comfortable in life, and dare to take one step beyond that. Embrace the discomfort. It’s the path to everything you desire.
Love and Blessings

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© Fiona Ross 2020 | Website by The Good Alliance