The Courage to Slow Down
Dear Renaissance Men,
This week, I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind and has been a significant shift in my life lately: slowing down. And I know how counterintuitive that sounds when you are in business.
For much of my life, I saw myself as the hare in the classic story of The Tortoise and the Hare—driven, fast, eager to win. The competitive spirit felt natural, even essential. The hare’s defeat didn’t sit well with me back then.“Had the tortoise tricked the eager hare?
But now, I see it differently.
I spent years running at full speed, striving to be first, fuelled by ambition and a constant need to succeed. That pace gave me a sense of achievement, but it also led to stress, exhaustion, and the feeling I was chasing an ever-moving finish line. Does that sound familiar?
Here’s the truth I’ve come to realise: being the fastest, the loudest, and the “best” doesn’t always mean being the wisest. In fact, it often means missing the moments that matter—the clarity, the peace, the deep insights that come only when we slow down and take life in with intention.
Success happens in the moment in front of us, not in the rearview mirror or in the yet-to-be-created future. My journey has shown me that when you’re constantly sprinting, you miss the scenery—you miss some of the most important moments, clarity, peace, and insights that can only be found in the slow, intentional pace of a tortoise.
A Lesson in Driving
Think about driving a car. When we hit the gas too hard, the engine can stall—it jolts us out of momentum. We’ve all been there, whether in life or on the road. It’s a paradox: speeding up too fast can actually hold us back. Rushing doesn’t guarantee control. In fact, it often causes us to lose it, spinning in circles and crashing before we have really got going.
But when we pace ourselves with a calm presence and attend to the moment in front of us and what needs to be done today, we’re able to navigate the curves ahead. We gain the ability to steer with purpose and manage life’s inevitable challenges with greater wisdom.
No More Competing
One of the most profound changes I’ve embraced is the realisation that there is no competition—not with others, not even with myself. There’s no race to win, no pressure to outdo or outshine. This isn’t about lowering the bar on ambition but aligning with what’s truly important.
I’m choosing to slow down, to say yes to what truly resonates with me, and noto the noise, the endless distractions, and the endless to-do list—the things that do nothing but drain energy and add stress. I’ve found a deeper sense of agency in this steady, intentional rhythm.
Slowing Down Doesn’t Mean Giving Up
Slowing down doesn’t mean abandoning ambition or letting go of dreams and goals; it’s about recognising that there’s a different kind of power in pacing yourself. It’s about realising that when we allow the waters of life to rise naturally, all the boats float—not just ours. We’re not meant to outshine or outdo others. We’re meant to lift each other, and in doing so, we rise together.
In this light, the tortoise is not a symbol of slowness but of wisdom, patience, and a peaceful journey. The power isn’t in how fast we move but in how intentionally we move.
The Courage to Slow Down
As you navigate your journeys, I invite you to join me in slowing down. Step back from the pressure to compete, to be first, or to be the fastest. Instead, find your rhythm. Trust in your pace. We are all exactly where we need to be, and the way in front of us opens up naturally when we linger long enough to see it.
At this moment, I’m embracing the tortoise within me—and I encourage you to explore what it might look like for you to do the same.
To all the Renaissance Men out there: may you find the courage to slow down, step back from the competition, and embrace your natural talents and knowing.
Love and blessings

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© Fiona Ross 2020 | Website by The Good Alliance