The Masculine Archetypes – Meet the Father

A man does not have to have children in his life to display strong traits of the Father Archetype, the Father is one of the most prevalent strengths I see in my clients!

This is where many men struggle either having a strained relationship with their father or difficulties with the relationship they have with their own children. He may try and overcompensate for unresolved issues or go the other way and walk away from his pain.

Not surprisingly, it is an important one for men to understand.

Masculine Archetype - The Father

This month we take a closer look at the Archetype of the Father.

The Father is always available to provide a space of safety, warmth and solace and he is where we all go for solutions and guidance. 

He’s a fixer! He loves to make things right. He is patient and kind, fathering not just those he embraces as his children, but all children and the planet.

He looks to bring out the best in others and tends to sacrifice his own needs for those he identifies as his family. And it is his tendency to prioritise the needs of others that leads to his tendency to sacrifice and not take care of himself.

In a man with balanced access to this archetype, his traits include unconditional love, support and a place of security.

Too much Father energy

When a man exhibits too much “father” he can become possessive, controlling and imposing! He may “spoil” his children to foster co-dependency rather than independence. He may dislike his own company and guilt-trip others to keep them close and needy.

Too little Father energy

And with little access to the Father, a man can become selfish, distant and uncaring. He may be conditional with his affection or even transactional. He shows little or no interest to care for others and can be mean, neglectful and hurtful.

So what can you do to enhance the Father in your life?

The father is nurturing by nature and he is devoted.

  • Make time to spend at least 5 minutes a day with someone who you care for in a space of deep listening. Focus your attention on them, really hear what they are saying – don’t interrupt or suggest or fix! Just hold them in your full attention and listen. This may be a child, colleague, friend or partner.
  • Arrange a special day out or occasion for the people you care deeply for. Perhaps cook a meal for them or book tickets to a movie. Arrange a picnic or a long walk together. And notice where you may be putting others’ needs above your own, where are you sacrificing your needs for others who may not be close to you or in your “family” (the people you consider family). It may be time to look at the King Archetype to set some boundaries.

Take the Power of the Masculine Archetype Quiz here and discover your unique archetype profile. 

Fiona Ross Signature

 Fiona Ross, October  2021

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