Why would a Leader Hire an Independent Coach?

Imagine for a moment that you are walking through the jungle. It’s hot, and the path is challenging. Unknown noises alert you to dangers lurking in the undergrowth – undeterred, you keep walking the path. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you feel a searing pain in your leg; looking down, you see the ominous two-pin holes prick of a snake bite and the tail of a cobra disappearing into the jungle! You know enough to understand that time is limited.

Do you…

  1. Chase after the cobra, hoping to find it to work out why it bit you?
  2. Radio for support and get to the nearest hospital for a dose of anti-venom?

The answer may seem obvious, but many people are metaphorically chasing the snake. They look to the past to determine what caused their current problem and find a reason and often someone to blame.

For many people, it can feel enormously useful to help them understand how certain events caused them to make a meaning about themselves in relation to the world, a context for why they are like they are – “I am this way because of X (Insert your story here)” However, this can lead to a victim mindset and an apparent lack of agency to change their way of being and therefore the results they get in the world. It leads to an internal narrative that says, “I can’t.”

If their experience of the event was traumatising, a good therapist can help them!

But this is not the role of a Coach! A great coach looks to the future and asks, “Given what you have experienced – what would you like to create?”

Let’s look at what coaching is and how it benefits leadership.

The Origin of Coaching:

Coaching originated in sports and the performing arts. Achieving excellence and standing apart in their field requires an outside perspective to observe and refine the skills of the performer (coachee). If you have ever seen a film of you dancing, you’ll know what I mean – when you are channelling your inner “Strictly” hero, tripping the light fantastic, only to see you have two left feet and the grace of a bulldozer. No amount of enthusiasm can correct this.

The Value of a Coach:

  • Two Minds Are Better Than One: A Coach provides a valuable external perspective and has developed their skills to listen through the noise and hear the signal transmitted beneath the distortion. Like a wartime radio operator listening in for the quiet but important messages, easily missed by an untrained ear, a great coach will skillfully elicit the genius from their client.
  • Coaching is about the Future. A Coach assists you in envisioning and creating a future that goes beyond merely improving on the past. They support you in playing to win rather than playing not to lose and get you playing a game you love to play.
  • Creativity and Possibility: A Coach helps you reach a new platform, enabling you to see things that were previously beyond your perception. What you see from the top of a mountain is very different from the view you have from base camp—what is in front of you hasn’t changed, but your view and perspective have. This new vista leads to innovative solutions and new strategies.

The Role of a Coach:

  • You are the curriculum: Effective coaching isn’t about changing you; it is about expanding who you are and helping you become who you need to be to create your desired outcome.
  • Coaches Don’t Need to Be Experts in YOUR Field: A coach doesn’t have to be more proficient or have the same skills or experience as a client. You never see Scottie Scheffler’s or Rory McIlroy’s swing coach out on the green! However, a coach does need to be able to meet the client where they are. It is a relationship of trust, respect, and honesty.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: These two aspects of a human are inseparable – your personal growth is reflected through your life and includes who you are professionally. Creating a congruent state of being in you allows you to lead yourself everywhere. Coaching helps individuals identify and clear the beliefs and fears that limit their success.

“How you do one thing is how you do everything” Mather Beck.

  • Creating the Future: From Default to Designed Future: Most people live a “default future,” repeating the past with perhaps slight improvements. Your default future is the course you will follow unconsciously. Getting conscious of your ability to create a future you have designed by understanding who you will be when instead of what you will do in the future gives you mastery over your life. Everything outside of you will happen as it does; who you are in experiencing it and having an understanding of how you influence and create your future changes default into design.

“If you don’t change your direction, you will wind up where you are heading”, Lao Tsu.

All Coaches are Not Equal:

Coaching is a relationship profession; finding the right coach is very personal. Of course, check out their website and testimonials, but more importantly, arrange to speak with them; there should be no hurry to sign on the dotted line.

A great coach is worth their weight in gold and will happily offer you the experience of working with them as part of their relationship building. You wouldn’t buy a new car without a test drive, right?

A great coach will be in service of you, not pushing you to sign up. They will often ask you to do an assignment or read a book for insight before a gifted session takes place. A red flag to notice is “neediness” in their approach to signing you up as a client.

Remember, this is one of the most important relationships you will have, and both parties need to invest 100% in your work together. Spend time creating strong agreements about how you will work together.

As a leader, you are the path for others to follow.

Get serious about who you will be in your future, consciously creating it and mastering your leadership; hire a coach who has built a successful business through building relationships and being referred.

You’ll feel your ROI for years to come, and your legacy will be your impact on the world.

Does this resonate with you? Are you ready to invest in yourself and your created future?

Send me an email outlining what you’d love to create, and we can schedule a conversion.


Love and Blessings

Fiona Ross Signature


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